Sunday, November 11, 2012

List of Animals/and or Evidence of Presence

  • Bee fly- Anthrax albofasciatus cascadeusis- This fly was seen primarily near our viewing area in the center of the crevice, and I identified the large amount of them by certain characteristics( primarily that being the furry abdomen). -Largely abundant

  • Ash-Throated Flycatcher- Myiarchus cinerascens- We saw this species of bird only once, that was when a sole bird was jumping from tree to tree during our observation, however it flew off fairly soon and so  the only way we really identified it was by the tail and light greenish coat.- Fairly rare

  • Nuttall's Woodpecker- Picoides nutallii-We only saw this bird once as it flew from one oak to the next barely outside the bottom of the crevice, therefore it wasn't abundant and it I identified it by the contrast of the white belly to the black tail and back. -Fairly Rare

  • Western Fence Lizard- Sceloporus occidnetalis lonipipes- It was a fairly common lizard that I spotted several times at the top of the crevice amongst rocks, and among the weeds on the hillside. I identified it by its reflective back. -Fairly Common 

  • Belted Kingfisher-Megaceryle alcyon- I had a brief sighting of what appeared to be one as it jumped amongst the canopy and then flew away before I could take a picture. It can be highly abundant as I didn't see it again, and I identified it by its back to tail contrast( fairly blue to black).-Rare

  • Unknown-N/A- I saw several burrows which appeared large enough to provide a home for a snake, or some sort of  gopher or possibly a rat. This serves as evidence that there is animals that live within the ground area of the crevice, although it's covered in leaves and webs. -N/A

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